Aftercare Guide
Don't pick or pull at lashes
Don't use mascara, lash curlers, eyeliner (try using black eyeshadow with a liner brush!), or thick creamy eyeshadows
Wash lashes every day with a foamy lash wash (and especially after swimming or crying)
Try blow drying your lashes on a low cool setting to keep them fluffy
Brush lashes regularly to prevent twisting
Avoid putting your face near high heat(ovens, hair dryers, lighters, etc) - your lashes will singe and/or melt
Try to sleep on your back
Appointment Tips:​
Clean your lashes before fill appointments
Avoid caffeine before appointments (makes eyes fluttery)
Avoid chewing gum during appointments
Wait to use a spa, sauna, or tanning bed for 24 hours after an appointment (but feel free to wash them as soon as you'd like)
Bring a blanket to the salon if you get chilly
Try to avoid washing hair the same day as appointments (hair conditioner can make it difficult for extensions to attach to natural lashes)
Factors that can affect lash retention:
Natural lashes shed more than usual periodically
Thyroid issues usually result in poor retention
Excessive sweating and oily skin types will sometimes experience poor retention
Usage of certain hair products before lash appointment (especially dry shampoo)
Hormonal changes